Thursday, August 09, 2007

An hour and half later....

...I have pictures, a sore back and a headache!

Up till this year I have been very prompt with getting my kids yearly pictures taken. Instead of taking them individually I thought that I would kills '3 birds with 1 stone'. It turned out not be a bad idea. My sweet, oh so cute, oh such a piece of work little girl aka Julianna made the whole ordeal a headache. We arrive at the studio and two ladies were ready to shot. If you know Julianna than you know that she does not like women very much. No pictures of Julianna were going to be taken. I'm getting frustrated and started wondering what I can do to change the situation...ah, I saw a male in the studio. I recruited him to help out and we were able to get a few good shots mixed in with the endless whining. Finally the pictures were taken and I had to pick the packages/poses. Trying to sort through 84 pictures with a BAD 2 year old was not fun. I bought more shots than I needed but all the different poses were hard to resist. Here are some of the good ones, maybe I should post all the bad ones of Julianna! That guy did A LOT of work to get her to laugh/smile. Once again I'm thankful for men :)

and there you have it, another year of pictures.
Arianna 8 years old
Asher 6 years old
Julianna 2 years old


Andrea van Eyk said...

Those area absolutely beautiful!!!

Mel said...

I love the water background ones! I don't think I've ever had a smooth pic session-oh yes I have with Esme. But I understand the stress and pain of it all!

Marlene said...

I have never had any problems with Arianna and Asher. They were so easy, folded their hands and smiled. Not so with the third...she is unlike the other two in every area.

The Arnold's said...

I love the pictures. I have to say that the close up of Asher is almost funny, he has that Joey "how you doin'" look on his face!!!

Anonymous said...

they are adorable!!! u got some really some nice pic's!! well love to all! em