Sunday, October 26, 2008

Going to the Country

Yesterday we made the trek out to the country, or if you were counting political signs you would say we were in McCain/Palin country! The kids counted some 80 Republican signs to ZERO other signs. We had fun family time at the corn maze and enjoyed all the other activities that they had. This was my first time at a corn maze. To see green corn at the end of October and only maybe 6 feet tall was just wrong!

Julianna picked the "cash cow"

which way?

reminding me of all my years corn detasseling
I think I'll have to send my kids to visit Oma for the summer so they can work in the corn

on the hay ride...that had no hay
Julianna was sportin' her attitude...and Asher his!


Lori said...

You wouldn't do that to your kids would you...corn detasseling?? lol! Looks like you had a nice afternoon! The corn maze here looks a bit different...the corn is ready for harvest!

Noordam's Blog said...

I was thinking the same thing Lori! Who would do that do there children! I have many a nightmarish memory of working in the corn! Some good ones too :o) Looks like it was a lot of fun Marlene!