Monday, November 20, 2006

Visitors from North Carolina

This past weekend Arie, Andrea, Haley and Charity came to visit for a couple of hours. They arrived on Friday evening at 8 and left again Saturday at 4. Arie bought a truck off of Ebay, and it was in Jacksonville. It was a whirlwind of a visit, but we all had a great time. Arianna and Charity had a very fun time, playing and chatting till 12:00. Girls will be girls, even if they are only 7 and 8 years old.

Arianna, Charity and Asher jumping off the bed to the air mattress on your mark, get set....
go!! (false start on Arianna)
Haley and Andrea
mommy and Julianna
climbing the rocks
Andrea and Arie with Aunt Marlene
Andrea and Julianna,
Julianna is finally out the "I don't like anyone but mommy" stage!
acting silly
she loves the camara


Anonymous said...

very sweet pics--looks like the kids had lots of fun.

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had LOTS and LOTS of fun. I really wanted to go but I had a soccer game the next day.


Anonymous said...

hey where are the sweet truck pictures ;-) thanks for a great weekend,


Andrea van Eyk said...

Thanks for posting them! I had tons o fun this weekend, it was great to see ya'll even though it was short. Did you post the rest of the pics on my webshots? Love ya'll.