Saturday, December 23, 2006

Gingerbread Houses

This is our second year making gingerbread houses with our friends. I make the houses, (yes from scratch, using the Pampered Chef mold), and our friends bring the candy. They are a lot of work to make but the kids look forward to it and have a blast decorating them. Cor assembled them for me this year, which I think is more work than making the mold. It involves more patience.

finally free standing
sorting all the candy, eating a lot of it too!

carefully designing it

the finished product
It is a beautiful centerpiece for our table, we are resisting the temptation to eat it before Christmas.


Andrea van Eyk said...

That is Beautiful!! save some candy on it for when i come :-P Can't Wait. Love ya'll

Mel said...

That looks like tons of fun! I can't believe you made them from scratch! You are 'little Suzy homemaker'! I knew it all along.
Blessed Christmas guys!

Anonymous said...

hey, I thought that Mel was the little Suzy homemaker!