Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Two years later....

Asher's room is decorated! He has never had a decorated room, we have always moved before we got around to his room. Well, all that has changed, and he is pumped! Here it is.

painting started in November '06- with no real ideas in mind but the room at least had some color

Asher and I saw a border we liked so Cor started painting the bottom half two weeks ago
June '07

being at the right place at the right time- in the Lord's kind providence.
I was shopping for sports decor last week and found some things, I was waiting to pay for them and the lady waiting at the checkout behind me noticed my decor and asked me if I was decorating a boys sports room. I replied with a "yes ma'am" and she said she was redecorating her sons room that was sports. She was going to take all her sports decor to goodwill and offered it all to me instead! What an unexpected blessing.

no pictures of the border going up. My friend Michelle and I did it yesterday while our 6 kids had a blast messin' around.

the three sports balls on the shelf is the only decor I bought!
(except the border)

I finished and hung the curtains this morning. I opened up a pillow sham to make the curtain.
I'm very pleased with the way it all came together. It may be the nicest room in the home now! Cor said last night "decorated rooms like this make homes sell!" No plans though...


yesterday our back yard looked like this:

and this morning it looks like this:

we are getting a pool! We are all so excited, it is expected to be completed August 7. Weather permitting of course, and what is the weather doing the first hour of work...it's raining!!


Unknown said...

Yeah! Then the pool should be completed when we come in Oct. I can't wait.
Asher's room looks really good!


Asher said...
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Mel said...

Wow, very cool room! That pool will be so fun! I like the shape. Glad to hear you're not selling because we still haven't seen your house-I still picture you at your last house.

Unknown said...

Hey great pictures! I love the pool! Its gonna be awesome..are your screening it in too, or what?
