Monday, September 24, 2007

Shrimp Boil

Our friends, Kenny and Amy and their kids, Hayden and Molly came over on Saturday for a shrimp boil. They brought the boiler, the shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob, potatoes, the bread, and we provided the drinks, a side dish and dessert and the pool. After cleaning the shrimp,(I took no part of that!) we loaded all the food into the boiler with shrimp seasonings and three garlic bulbs, and watched it cook on the porch. After a swim the food was ready, the table lined with newspaper and the food dumped on top.

everyone enjoying the food

close up of the food

had to get Cor in the picture

the absolutely decadent dessert- brownie caramel cheesecake
homemade of course:)

...and the ruined tabletop, too much heat for the wood,
I guess I get a new table now- or sometime in the next 5 years

We had such a great meal and time together we decided to celebrate Canadian Thankgiving together and deep fry a turkey. (This will be our first time celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving in the States and with Americans!)


Jon and Kel said...

Looks like a fun time! Yummy lookin' food.

Taunya said...

it does look good. I'm not much of a shrimp fan, but Pete bbq'd some when we were in SC and it was amazing. that stinks that the table got ruined. we have spots on our table too, I'm sure you could sand the top and refinish it.

Lori said...

Hey Marlene,
Looks like some good eating! Did you try the (dry) white cloth and steam iron trick on your table...?? I've heard that it really of luck:)