Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thanksgiving with friends

In case you didn't believe me when I said that Julianna's toys are scattered everywhere when I is some of the evidence!
(is that snow outside?)

Now for the Thanksgiving pictures: there aren't very many good ones of the food but it was delicious. We had fried turkey, cornbread stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, rolls and for dessert, pumpkin and cherry pie. We enjoyed our time with our friends and the kids had a blast playing with the many, many toys.

the turkey was fried in peanut oil, it was the BEST turkey I have ever tasted!
juicy and tasty!

1 comment:

Mel said...

The turkey sounds amazing!
It is incredible how fast the toys get spread out eh! I don't mind as long as they are playing-if they are just dumping for the sake of dumping then I get feisty!