Sunday, May 20, 2007


Follow the flower planting progression under the direction of Asher...
(don't mind Asher's clothes, he wears that combination every, yes every single Saturday for well over a year now!)

This is where we want the flower to go...

Dig a hole right here Julianna

Good job Jules

looks great Julianna!

This is the finished product. We planted our plants about 6 weeks ago and I'm amazed how fast everything is growing. Since I've been in Florida I haven't planted any flowers, it's so hot here that most plants wilt away. This year I payed more attention to where the sunny/shading parts of the yard are and bought plants accordingly (it helps I know, but so does the irrigation system!). So far they are all still alive and thriving. I love color! So far our grass is healthy and green an improvement over last year, hopefully it will stay that way after all the trouble we had last year.

1 comment:

Jon and Kel said...

looks beautiful! How about the back yard?